Saturated Fat - Rediscovered 

It's ain't so bad ...

A Wonder Food hiding in plain sight ?


say scientists

Dietary guidelines inherited from the 1950s were based on poor quality science.

Yep, it's true (Dr Zoe Harcombe)

Saturated fat is not THE problem in our food. This is what many healthcare professionals are quietly saying. In fact saturated fat may form part of a science based healthy-eating solution.

The latest research suggests that everything we eat can be harmful. But, some things are more harmful than others. Saturated fat though, is significantly safer to consume that many alternative energy sources such as sugar and carbohydrates. The evidence points to these traditional foods being behind the damage to our hearts, bad cholesterol, circulation issues, damage to the brain, and the liver, the pancreas and our metabolism. 

Healthy fat, research says, can help fight the hunger and obesity that sugar and carbohydrates create.

Cream, yoghurt, lusciously moist fatty meats, high fat ground / minced beef, full fat cheeses and milk now have science on their side.

Says Who?

BBC, leading cardiac surgeons and doctors, leading paediatric endocrinologists, and researchers the world over are witnessing the global epidemic of ill health and are challenging the conventional wisdom, and vested interests in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. Some of the key proponents of change are named in the menu, and their online materials are linked to.


Sugar, refined carbohydrate 'carbs' and HPF highly processed foods are now suspected of wreaking havoc on human health by interfering with a myriad of  biochemical processes.


Altering the conventional wisdom requires further research, which takes time, sound evidence which requires resources, the speaking of truth to power (which can destroy careers), and a willingness amongst those tasked with community health to accept the guidance was simply wrong and had little foundation. This is a tall ask.

Just as there were/are climate deniers, there are saturated fat deniers. You cannot convince someone of another point of view if it is not in their interests to hear it. 


Why is saturated fat believed unhealthy?

One early historic population study correlated sat fat intake with the growing incidence of heart disease. The study missed ever growing consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Dietary recommendations  replacing dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, and agricultural subsidies followed, and were followed worldwide.

Correlation is not causation, and ever since "Saturated fat has had a bad rap" BBC Good Food. Science today details the actual biochemical mechanisms, experiments and research studies that are designed to be more specific and provide dependable results.

Today a different picture and explanation is emerging to explain soaring levels of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 

 The findings point to it being carbohydrate and sugar that drives obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Put simply, the human body evolved to consume what was around us, meat, dairy and high fibre. largely unrefined foods. High energy food was a rarity, seasonal, and followed by natural periods of shortage and fasting. We and our gut system and biomes are not adapted to safely process high energy food, it overloads our abilities.

Saturated fat appears very high in this list of "what are the least risky things to eat".


At the latest research is used to explain how we can all learn to love and trust saturated fats again.

Avoidance is ingrained in our food culture, from red indicator labels to online recipes.

However, the science is waiting for guidelines to catch up. Saturated fat naturally satisfies hunger and appetite, and for long periods, it provides essential nutrients and it imbues food moisture and a pleasant eating experience.

By swapping out sugar and refined carbohydrates and oils for high saturated fat meals, science experiences how you will naturally become healthier, leaner,, improve key blood results, and experience more stable energy levels.

Warning - don't combine saturated fat with highly processed food, carbohydrates or sugar. The human body is not adapted to handle that combination.

 Eat traditionally healthy whole food - it is tasty, satisfying, and the bedrock to health and wellbeing.

Why is the message not out there already?

Changing health policies takes time. Incontrovertible evidence is required. Implications for the food industry, agriculture, health services, government departments and the economy need to be weighed.